Literary and Arts Annual
The idea for Between These Shores Literary and Arts Annual (BTSA) was several years in the making when, finally, their first call for submissions posted in 2016. Through their submissions to us, BTSA writers will not only provide a source from which to choose the content of the annual, but for future book publications as well. Those writers who have a good chance of taking their work further may be offered book publication. When this is not the case, whenever possible we refer authors to other sources, which may be more receptive to their particular works. There is no limit to how often one may submit to BTSA, so there is always a chance to have one's work included in the Annual.
Between These Shores Annual is based loosely on the annuals of Charles Dickens, such as "All The Year Round" and most especially, his winter/Christmas issues. In keeping with Dickens' use of relating traditional winter ghost stories, BTSA accepts both standard stories and poems, as well as those of supernatural content. We also accept Creative Non-Fiction covering any subject.
As was the case with Dickens' books, readers will be able to acquaint themselves with the BTSA Creative Team, by reading and seeing their work in its pages along with their own. BTSA aims to merge the literary and graphic arts, while promoting the belief that all arts are intrinsically necessary and connected.
Between These Shores Annual has quickly become a literary stage for emerging as well as established writers, and is now read in more than ten (10) countries.
Please carefully read and adhere to our list of submission guidelines before submitting your work.
For further information, please contact:
Adele C. Geraghty, Publishing and Stories Editor -
Ingrid Bruck, Non-Fiction Editor -

Issue # 3
Writers and Artists from 10 Countries
23 stories
32 poems
Creative Non-Fiction
Illustrations, Photography, Fine Art, Cartoons
Book Reviews, Interviews and Features
12.00 US dollars
10.o0 British Pounds Sterling

Issue # 4
Lockdown Interview with
Louis Maskell,
Iconic star of Cult Classic 'The Grinning Man'!
Issue # 5
People are talking about Issue 1...
"I just received my copies and they're amazing.'
Heath Brougher
I received my BTS Annual today. The magazine looks fabulous! Indeed, everyone would want to be on these pages. I do not have enough words to express my pleasure.
Slavko Mali
The "Between These Shores Annual" is amazing. Very good content and beautiful layout. I can see how much work went into it. I especially liked the feature about Slavko Mali. Well done!
David Gardiner, Prose Editor, 'Gold Dust Magazine', and
author, "Engineering Paradise', and "The Rainbow Man".
People are talking about
Issue 2...
"Superb publication with a range of illustrations, short stories, photography, arts and and literature. Great quality literary annual."
Kelly Van Nelson
ANNOUNCEMENT WITH JOY. I just purchased my copy of Between These Shores Literary & Arts Annual, editor Adele C. Geraghty by Between These Shores Books. I found 4 of our members, below, in this UK issue alone: Lucia Orellana, Alyssa Trivett, Ann Christine Tabaka, & myself. GET YOUR COPY TODAY.
Michael Lee Johnson
Contemporary Poets, Their Works, Current Poetry Projects, News,
Creepies, crawlies, hairy things...things that go bump and crunch in the night...that’s the stuff that makes the poetry of James Michael Shoberg at once compelling and a bit uncomfortable. But not to worry. Even in the dank dark words there is a sense of whimsy that leaves you disarmed, and serves to make the reader relax and realize...sticks and stones may break my bones, but words....
A master at cadence and rhyme, his words evoke the anxiety most of us feel when confronted with things that make us squirm. His imagery and imagination take us outside the box...including in the realm of “creepy” such things as computers, dogs, and even Santa. In the end, however, the poems are thoroughly enjoyable, and well worth the read. If you like to take a walk on the dark side, these poems are for you!
Lorraine Brooks - author "Riding the Wave"
'Very good read, relaxing and interesting.'
Barbara Robinson
I read Issue 2 of BTSA and was most impressed by the quality of the content; it’s a very fine magazine." Robert Dunsdon
"Just got my e-proof copy. Very happy to have made the issue. Even happier to have been nominated for the Pushcart!"
Ian Richardson
"I just received the book...(BTSA) is did a great job!!!! Thanks so much for making me a part of your first edition!"
James G. Piatt
"I received them (BTSA 2) and they are absolutely gorgeous! The art work is amazing. I love the poems and short stories. What a beautifully designed annual. I love it. And thank you for including me."
Victoria Dowd